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Universite-d'Angers:Visiting Ambassador RI Postphoned
The Republic of Indonesia calls for strengthening exchanges with higher education in France. A visit e Rezlan Ishar Jenie, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Paris was to be held for this purpose at the University of Angers in June. She was finally postponed to September or October.
Indonesia, 4 th largest population country in the world and booming economy, is primarily a country of young people. Education, and greater access to education for all, is a top priority. The law requires that 20% of the national budget is devoted to teaching.
In addition, Indonesia has traditionally turned to the English-speaking world, and the interest of the island nation today is to strengthen its relations with Europe, and particularly with France. The effort made by Indonesia in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Jakarta, targeting France as a destination of the training program for university instructors is proof.
Why the University of Angers?
Partnership of many active
The goal of the Ambassador of Indonesia is to present, as far as representing his country. He hopes to go to a university in the province, which has long worked with Indonesia. The Angers University actively collaborates with universities and the Ministry of Higher Education since 2008, thanks to the scientific adviser of the Embassy of France in Jakarta, and good responsiveness of our components. The ISTIA and UFR ITBS have trained 31 university teachers on the last two years, and the UFR ITBS has a dual license "Engineering Services "in partnership with the Institute SAYYID since 2008. Several students at the AU did their internship in the archipelago.
A commitment of the AU in the Fast Track
The University of Angers has also agreed to join the universities of Lille, Aix-Marseille and Toulouse to join the new program of excellence "FAST TRACK" from 2012-2013. The best students from Indonesia will be picked at the entrance to the university: those who will be chosen destineront to do a Masters in five years instead of six normally needed in Indonesia. Indonesia will fund a Master 2 abroad for much of these students to encourage a more open global partnerships and its research. The ultimate goal will be to increase the co-supervision and collaborations with foreign researchers.
John Webb is looking forward to this visit: " The Ambassador recognizes the involvement of our institution and wishes to extend our cooperation to other sectors of the University of Angers. I want high availability of all stakeholders of the AU for this unique event in the recent history of the AU ".
John Webb, Vice President International Relations relations.internationales @ univ-angers.fr
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